Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Christmas table had it all

Semzia Keto milk, until you establish it in your daily routine. In the coming weeks, you can add a second food, and a third, and so on. In this way, it will become a favorite and necessary habit for you. Your body will consider it necessary and you will rarely miss it! Detoxification? What do you need? Since you are vegan! Semzia Keto Detoxification? 

What do you need?  Semzia Keto Since you are vegan! miso-soup Vegetarians often exclude meat and animal products from their diet without thinking that the quality has escalated in the vegan diet as well. Sofia Kanellou, Dietitian-Nutritionist Have you ever been told: “what do you need from detoxification? Since you are vegan! ” And white sugar is vegan, and palm oil, and crisps, and coconut butter, and pancakes… We all need breaks in our diet no matter what situation we are in. Let us pause for a moment to listen to what our body is asking for. Try to get in your rhythm and do not forget the exercise and nutritious foods of this season.

detox-Semzia Keto miso-soupDetox vegetable soup with miso Miso (miso or mizo): This is a fermentation product, 12 to 24 months old, from soy with enzymes similar to those of yogurt. It seems to have excellent detoxifying properties and is widely used in Japan. As it is a soy product, it has high biological value protein, plenty of minerals and a lot of salt, so do not overdo it. Materials: 2 leeks in slices 1 cup celery in pieces 3 carrots in slices 1 diced Semzia Keto potato

Two Semzia Keto small cups of white beans 2 cloves garlic without sprouting two tablespoons extra virgin cold pressed olive oil 1 tablespoon miso hacho. Preparation: Last night soak the beans in plenty of water which you will throw away the next day. Boil them without salt for 25 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the vegetables and add them to the Semzia Keto pot. Stir frequently for another 30 minutes over medium heat. Transfer the soup to a nice plate and add 1 teaspoon of miso per serving and olive oil. Mix well without adding any more salt. turmeric-soupSoup with red lentils, turmeric and ginger For the cold there is nothing better than a seasonal soup, and in fact it detoxifies.

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